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Healing Medical & Therapeutic Massage
Our May calendar is now open! If you like to plan ahead, then this is for you.
Head on over to our schedule to secure your appointment today!
We will be open two Mondays out of the month to accommodate the overflow of patients. Those dates and times will be announced prior to the beginning of each month.
*This perk is only for our non-loyalty members*
Our new pain relieving cream is here!!
Corganics Relief cream is a topical pain management cream that provides temporary relief of minor, as well as deep, muscular and joint aches and pains which are associated with simple backaches, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains. Relief is a complimentary blend of high quality, active natural ingredients and nutrients that provide temporary penetrating relief.
It's also available for purchase in:
3 oz. roll-ons (gel) $19.99 OR 4oz. tubes (cream) 21.99.
Pick yours up at your next visit!
You now have the option to listen to your own soothing, relaxing music or a positive, motivational podcast during your session.
Just supply your own speaker and enjoy!
*Some restrictions may apply*
Please note: Although mask are now optional, it is still important to be considerate of others. So, if you're feeling ill, PLEASE STAY HOME!!! We understand that your treatment is important but so is your health.

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